Parent training in ABA therapy teaches parents to use behavioral strategies outside of therapy to support their child at home.
Parent training is essential to quality ABA services. Parent training has numerous benefits for parents, children, and families. This service can help parents learn effective ways to improve their child’s skills, manage behaviors, and support their growth and development. Parent training plays an essential role in successful ABA therapy by helping parents learn how to use behavioral techniques and strategies outside the therapy office to better support their child at home.
Parent Training Supports Your Child’s Success
By participating in your child’s ABA therapy, you are supporting their success, ability to accomplish treatment goals, success at learning new skills, and reducing challenging behaviors that interfere with their well-being. Parent training involves giving parents tips based on their child’s current abilities, needs, and strategies to help them achieve real and meaningful progress in their development.
Supporting Communication and Social Skills
By participating in ABA, parents can help their child improve their communication and social skills and many other skills. Many kids with autism spectrum disorder have difficulties with social and communication skills. Your ABA professional can assess your child’s social and communication skills and behavioral challenges and develop practical recommendations to use with your child to help in those areas.
Generalize New Skills
ABA parent training can also help your child generalize their skills to new settings. Generalization is a critical component of learning new behaviors. Generalization is the ability to use a skill or show a specific behavior in new ways and places.
For example, a child who learns to read at school should also be able to read the same book at home. When parents learn about effective strategies and methods for their child, they can then support their child’s behaviors in other settings, such as at home or in public and with other people, such as neighbors or relatives.
Help Better Understand Your Child
Parents participating in ABA parent training can also better understand their child’s functioning. They can learn more about their child’s diagnosis and how it applies to their child. Parents can consult with the ABA therapist to discuss any completed assessments, which give information and insight into the child’s current skills and behavior concerns. By being more involved in your child’s therapy, you gain a better understanding of how your child processes the world, responds to sensory input, and how to support their unique self while gently and compassionately challenging them to learn and grow.
The Connections Therapy Center
The Connections Therapy Center serves families of children and adolescents with disabilities and special needs. We are a team of experts in behavioral sciences. As a team, we offer intensive hands-on therapy for children and adolescents, as well as informative and useful resources for families. If you are interested in learning more about what we can do to help your family, visit us online or give us a call at (301) 577-4333. Want to get more information on how to help your child thrive? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.